Recently, Kristin came in for a photo session. I asked her if she would share her experience with us and this is what she said:

Before your shoot - what do you remember thinking/feeling? How was your planning? Would you do anything differently?
I was definitely nervous. I wasn’t sure I was ready to see me I’ve become at forty-something stripped down if you will. I knew I needed this experience though to open my eyes to the beautiful being God made me to be., regardless of the scars and imperfections as society would call it. Would I do anything different? No. I think the unknown is what everything worth doing is all about. Facing something head-on is very representative of the path I’ve chosen to take in life and it’s left a glorious view in my rearview mirror I wouldn’t change that for anything
Did you read everything that was sent to you before the shoot?
Would some posing tips and/or practice exercises help you if you received these before the shoot?
Did you feel well prepared for your shoot?
yes What were your feelings and emotions on the day of your shoot? Before, during, and after?
I had a little bit of anxiety beforehand. During the shoot, I was made to feel very at ease. The more we shot the better and more confident I began to feel. By the end I was sad it was over. I felt really empowered afterward that I did something for me and about me. That’s not something a single mom ever gets used to, but darn it, she should!
How did you feel on the day of your reveal? Before arriving to see your photos and when you see them for the first time?
Ahhhh! I was so excited to see what was captured! I couldn’t believe how amazing the photos came out. I think I kept saying “that’s me??” Catherine captured a side of me I had long forgotten. Age plays tricks on ya...grey hair, sagging skin, extra weight, scars, and wrinkles...glorious wrinkles! But guess what?? That’s me, that’s who I’ve become and I love that girl! So I’d say I felt amazing after my viewing knowing that all those things I used to dislike are my trademark and that’s pretty darn awesome!
Knowing what you know now, would you do it again? Would you have changed anything?
I sure would do it again. I would do something a bit different as far as outfits. I’d like to lose weight and get in better shape to do a before and after shoot, something to compare as my body changes and I get stronger in time.
What do you feel other women need to know?
This experience is a must! It will uncover a piece of you you may have forgotten you possessed -raw beauty. Your own beauty, because every woman has that and every woman needs to see that in herself.
Now, finish this sentence - I am BEAUTIFUL.
Describe yourself in 3 words.
Witty. Compassionate. Caring.
If you would like some additional information on booking your photo session, reach out.
Phone calls are best, 248-747-7236 or you can email me at info@aeboudoir.com Let's create some beautiful images together! - Cat